Kitchen slab tiles backlit hunter dark green granite for countertop

Short Description:

Hunter green granite is an exceptionally rare and exquisite natural stone. Its surface, which resembles a cat's eye in texture and shine, is what gives it its name. Hunter green marble has a highly distinctive visual impression since it can be light green to dark green in hue and occasionally has white, gray, or gold veins. Its natural and beautiful appearance is attributed to its hue, which is typically dominated by green with stripes or spots of various tints.

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    4i hunter green graniteHunter green granite is an exceptionally rare and exquisite natural stone. Its surface, which resembles a cat's eye in texture and shine, is what gives it its name. Hunter green marble has a highly distinctive visual impression since it can be light green to dark green in hue and occasionally has white, gray, or gold veins. Its natural and beautiful appearance is attributed to its hue, which is typically dominated by green with stripes or spots of various tints.

    Hunter green granite will have a cat's eye-like sheen after polishing, which will make people feel aristocratic

    1i hunter green granite
    13i hunter green granite

    Hunter green granite often has an uneven texture, and every piece of marble has a different pattern that makes it ideal for custom design.

    10i backlit green granite
    9i backlit green granite
    7i hunter green granite


    Interior decoration: frequently used for countertops, walls, floors, and other areas; particularly well-suited for living rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens, it may improve the overall texture of the room.

    3i green translucent stone

    18i hunter green granite

    Making furniture: may be utilized to create attractive and useful items like washbasins, coffee tables, and tabletops.5i hunter green granite17i hunter green granite

    Artwork: Hunter green marble is frequently used to create sculptures or decorations because of its distinctive texture and color.2i green translucent stone6i hunter green granite

    Suitable for a wide range of high-end décor projects, hunter green granite is an extremely expensive ornamental stone. If you want a natural and distinctive look, this is surely a wonderful option!

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